Healing Your Past

Healing your past is a vital step towards leading a fulfilling life. It entails acknowledging and coming to terms with any past traumas and hurts that affect your present and future. 

You’re never too old to start. You may want to look at trauma as just a disturbing event. You may not be even aware that it’s still affecting you. I surely wasn’t, but it was. Don’t let past trauma rule the rest of your life. If you’re unsure, talk with a professional or start with this book The Body Keeps The Score.

Don’t mistake this for blaming others for your past hurts and trauma. Blaming others isn’t healing. Blaming is continuing to irritate an open wound. Healing comes from forgiving yourself and possibly another person for what happened. Then working through and sitting with the hard emotions that may still be around triggering you.

To begin, identify the areas of your past that you need to heal. It can be in the form of mental, physical or emotional abuse, neglect, detached parent or significant other or any significant emotional event. 

Next, choose to forgive anyone involved, including yourself. Understand that forgiveness isn’t about forgetting but rather accepting what happened and freeing yourself from any resentment. 

Seek help in the form of therapy or support groups to aid your healing journey, and surround yourself with a positive support system. 

Lastly, create new positive experiences for yourself that can help you create new positive memories. Try not to jump quickly to the next new thing, instead sit with it until you’re ready to make new positive experiences. Remember, healing is a continuous process, and it’s okay to take time to heal at your own pace. It’s ok if you’re triggered along the way. Just take note of them.

Signs That I May Have Past Trauma Affecting My Life

There are several signs that suggest past trauma may be affecting an our life. These signs may include recurring nightmares, flashbacks, feeling numb or disconnected, avoiding situations or people that remind them of the traumatic event, easily startled, irritable, and difficulty concentrating or sleeping. 

Additionally, individuals who have experienced past trauma may struggle with emotional regulation, experience mood swings, and have low self-esteem or self-worth. Traumatic experiences can also lead to physical symptoms such as headaches, stomach problems, chronic pain, and a weakened immune system. 

It is essential to seek professional help if these symptoms persist and begin to interfere with daily life. A therapist experienced in treating trauma can provide a safe and supportive environment to process past experiences and work towards healing and recovery.

It is very important to acknowledge that the disturbing situation or trauma happened. Don’t minimalize it, if it happened and it is affecting you, then it’s worth diving in to sort it out. You are worth it!

Why Is It Important To Heal From Past Trauma?

It is crucial to healing from past trauma as it affects one’s mental, emotional and physical well-being. Unresolved trauma can lead to symptoms such as chronic anxiety, depression, addiction, emotional dysregulation, and even physical ailments. 

Furthermore, trauma can also impact one’s relationships and work life. It can lead to difficulties in communication, trust, and intimacy. Additionally, it can affect one’s ability to focus, make decisions, and maintain employment. Past trauma affects how we think, feel, react and even how we parent our children. When we heal ourselves we can break those generational patterns instead of passing them down.

Healing from past trauma involves acknowledging the experiences that have caused pain and grief, and confronting, processing, and integrating the emotions and our beliefs and our stories associated with these experiences that we continue to tell ourselves. 

It also involves seeking support from professionals and loved ones and finding meaning and purpose in life beyond the trauma. Ultimately, healing from past trauma can lead to greater self-awareness, resilience, and an improved quality of life.

Important Steps To Take To Heal Past Trauma

Healing past trauma can be a challenging and complex process that requires courage, patience and support. However, there are some steps that can help individuals in their journey towards healing:

1. Acknowledge the trauma and its impact: Recognizing that the trauma happened and its effect on one’s life is the first step towards healing. This may be hard for you if you have had a lot of trauma, it may feel more normal than traumatic.

2. Seek support: Trauma can be overwhelming and often requires professional assistance. Seeking help from a mental health expert or trusted support group can be beneficial. There are steps that they can help you with the trauma if it has detached your logical brain from your feelings in your body such as EMDR. Seek a therapist for their evaluation if this could help you or not.

3. Practice self-care and self-forgiveness: Engaging in healthy habits such as exercise, good nutrition and restful sleep can help individuals manage their emotions and cope with trauma. Progress doesn’t have to be perfect.

4. Develop coping strategies:  Such as Practice mindfulness and relaxation techniques: Mindfulness can help individuals connect with their feelings without becoming overwhelmed. Relaxation techniques can be helpful for controlling anxiety. These can help you manage any triggering or overwhelming emotions that may arise.

5. Create a support system: Connecting with trusted loved ones and engaging in meaningful activities, such as hobbies and community work can help individuals create a caring environment that promotes healing without judgement or blame.

It will be messy, hard and you may not want to relive that again. But you are so worthy of the healing to come.


Healing from past trauma is a major step towards leading a better life.  The negative effects of past trauma can cause problems in relationships, work, and personal life, making it challenging for one to achieve their full potential. And sadly some will hold themselves back from healing.

When you seek help and heal from past trauma, not only do you get to find peace, but you also get to create a healthy and fulfilling life for yourself. With healing, you can experience a significant reduction in anxiety and stress, improve your communication and experience a boost in self-confidence and self-esteem. 

Additionally, you’ll develop stronger connections with loved ones, experience joy and happiness, and regain control over your life. In essence, healing from past trauma helps free up the present moment, allowing you to create the future that you deserve.

For other topics; Codependency, Letting Go Of Expectations, and Mind, Body & Self-Care.

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