Homemade Seasoning Mixes

There are several reasons why making homemade seasoning mixes is a great idea.

Firstly, store-bought seasoning mixes are often loaded with additives, preservatives, and artificial ingredients that can be harmful to health. Some contain high fructose corn syrup and gluten, and fillers not needed to add flavor. Homemade seasoning blends, on the other hand, are free from these harmful additives, making them a healthier and safer alternative.

Secondly, homemade seasoning blends are customizable, meaning you can tailor them to your liking and adjust the amount of salt, spice or sweetness to suit your taste preferences.

Thirdly, making your own seasoning mixes is often more cost-effective and budget-friendly than buying pre-packaged blends. And if you are going for organic spices you can buy in bulk, and it is way more cost effective.

Finally, making your own seasoning blends can be a fun and creative way to experiment with different flavors and spices, giving you more control over the taste and quality of your food.

Buy Bulk Spices - Homemade Seasoning Mixes

Most importantly, this is not mandatory but if you want the best flavor without the fillers and the most cost-effective way, buy bulk organic spices. Yes, absolutely you can buy dollar store seasonings but there’s a really good chance they have unnecessary ingredients and also not the freshest flavor. When it comes to spices you get what you pay for.

Here is the list of my most common Organic Bulk Spices and Pantry Items. Basically, gather up the ingredients you need for the seasoning mixes you want to make first.

Storage - Homemade Seasoning Mixes

For larger batches I prefer a wide mouth Quart Canning Jar with a Reusable BPA FREE Lid.  Additionally, these lids also work nicely for covering up a half empty jar of homemade pickles or tomato sauce without having to use the two-piece lid combo. Alternatively, for my seasoning cabinet I prefer the Half Pint Jars and I prefer these Shaker Lids.

Menu For Homemade Seasoning Mixes

Click the button below to get the recipe you can print it, save it to social media, or copy or pin it. Then you can have it for quick reference.

Additional Tips on Homemade Seasoning Mixes

These are my favorite homemade seasoning recipes. You will need to choose what you use more of or less of. Perhaps smaller quantities of the spices may work better for you. These recipes are big with intentions to last through a few meals. 

Besides I prefer to make bigger batches, so I don’t need to make them as often. Then I store extra in Quart Canning Jars with lids as mentioned above. I hope you try these recipes and enjoy their wonderful flavors. 

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