Mindset & Life Coaching

Hello, I am Kathy Mindock a certified Mindset & Life Coach. Life coaching for myself has helped me to reveal some of the true reasons why I wasn’t reaching certain goals. It may surprise you but when I ask people, what are the two things that affect a person reaching or not reaching a goal the most?

They will answer things like actions, or motivation or dedication…. When the answer is our thoughts and our feelings about those thoughts. That is what drives our action or inability to do certain things. I would love to coach with you and to help you find your path. Whether it is discovering what may be holding your back, setting goals, being your accountability partner, or helping you figure out why you are stuck on a repeat cycle.

Hiring a life and mindset coach can provide many benefits to individuals who are looking for direction and support in achieving their personal and professional goals. A life coach can help identify and clarify a person’s values, strengths, and skills, and then develop a plan to achieve their goals.

This can lead to increased self-awareness, confidence, and motivation. A life coach can also provide accountability and support throughout the process, helping clients stay on track and navigate obstacles. Additionally, a life coach can provide guidance and encouragement in areas such as career development, relationships, and personal growth, ultimately leading to greater fulfillment and satisfaction in life. Overall, hiring a life coach can be a valuable investment in one’s personal and professional development.

Pricing & Packages

Mindset & Life Coaching

First Session is FREE! 

Then Choose what is best for you. 

One Session 45 minutes is $75.


4 – 45 Minute Sessions $250

8 – 45 Minute Sessions $475


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