
My 360 wellness Journey

Kathy Mindock 360 Wellness Journey Mindset & Life Coach

Hello and Welcome to my blog!

I’m passionate about sharing what I love and what I’ve found that works. Use this as a guide to help make healthier choices for you and your family. With a focus on 360 total wellness.

Everything from the safety of what we use in our homes, what we absorb mentally and physically and through the foods we eat.

I’ve been researching and eating organically for over 20 years. 

Several years ago, I had some health issues related to the toxic load in my body. And I actually broke out in head-to-toe hives due to this.

Because of that, my passion an emphasis on helping others become aware of what toxins may be lurking in their homes and offering them safer nontoxic options.

Because my life experiences drove my passion to take action. I created a space to share my tips, help others, and start a community of like-minded people. I serve customers all over the United States and Canada. And I’m thrilled to share my passion with you too.

Here are 4 points of interest,

Mind, Body and Self-Care all are listed under the top menu for Wellness. Also, I am a certified Mindset & Life Coach so you can book a free session or check it out under Wellness as well.

Homesteading covering raising and growing your own organic food and preserving it for healthier alternatives. More articles are under the Homesteading tab on the top menu.

Safe Household Products this and more can be found under Products the top menu. I share links to my favorite safe products with videos and more information on them. Also have more information about reducing toxins in your life.

Cooking & Kitchen Gadgets & Tools More information can be found under the Cooking tab on the top menu. Recipes, tools and my favorite pantry items.

Here are a few of my favorite sites for references

Because I love helping our planet and also our homes to stay safer, here’s a good one https://www.norwexmovement.com/blog/

Another very useful site is https://www.ewg.org/ you can look up individual ingredients on there or get the list of the dirtiest fruits and veggies that you should only eat organically. And I find this super helpful, because if your budget is tight, you can be more selective and choose some of the least toxic fruits and vegetables to eat that are not organic.

Then for a quick scan app on your phone I prefer https://thinkdirtyapp.com/

Everyone has an idea of how organic or safe they feel is good for them. And that is perfect and unique to each of us. And this is what I’ve found to work for my 360 Wellness Journey.

I hope you enjoy the blog posts and the products and tips that I share. If you have any questions or comments, please contact me. Ready to get started? https://360wellnessjourney.com/

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