Making Time

Sometimes one of the hardest things to do is making time to do what needs to be done. Time is one of those resources that you can never get back once it is gone. However there are ways to buy some extra time. I’ll go into details on that as well. Basically we all have the same 24 hours, but individually we get to decide how we are going to spend that.

We can probably all agree even the busiest person can find time for one more thing, if it is something important or of value to them. If it is not of value or we do not hold it as high importance, we will not find the time. This is not to bring shame to anyone, this is just our human brains and how they work. Even to change an outcome, say we want to stop eating snacks. We need to be fully invested in the importance of that and the emotions and stories that we are telling ourselves around that, or it simply will not happen. And quite often we just say…. “I didn’t have time”, to food prep or go grocery shopping or meal prep or even cook something healthy so I wasn’t hungry to snack. 

Myself included in this too, because I too am human with a human brain, we simply go towards the path of least resistance sometimes. Basically most cases to make time we will need to change behaviors, because we cannot do the same behaviors and expect different results. That will not happen. And sometimes making time, is really more about making that important or of value to us so that we want to take the time. 

Tips For Making Time For The Things We Desire

Making time for the things we desire can be challenging, but it’s important to prioritize our needs and wants in order to bring balance to our lives. Here are some tips for making time for the things we desire:

1. Set clear goals: Define what you want to accomplish, why it’s important to you and establish a timeline for achieving it. This can be really hard. Start by writing down the outcome you have now, why you want to change it, what habits or behaviors are making it happen. Then do the same with what you want to happen, why and what you need to do to make it happen. 

2. Schedule time: Determine when you have time, and allocate specific times to work toward your desired activities. Sometimes this may mean getting up early before the house is awake or skipping social media scrolling.

3. Cut out distractions: Minimize screen time, social media, and other distractions that can take away from your focus. If we can 100% focus for a short amount of time it’s amazing what we can accomplish. I find setting a timer too, I get way more accomplished.

4. Learn to say no: Be realistic about what you can and can’t do, and don’t be afraid to say no to things that don’t align with your priorities. This is hard for me. I am such a people pleaser. But it’s a necessary skill to learn to be able to meet your own goals and self-care needs.

5. Take breaks: Make sure to take time for self-care and relaxation, which will help you recharge and be more productive overall. Self-care is not selfish, it’s necessary.

By implementing these tips, you can have room for the things you desire and create a more fulfilling life.

Buy Back Some Time

There are several ways we can buy ourselves back time.

The first is to prioritize our tasks and focus on the ones that have the most impact on our goals. By doing so, we can eliminate time spent on nonessential activities. List your non-essential tasks. Also for tasks you don’t like to do, consider, delegating or hiring someone who does enjoy it!

Another way is to delegate tasks that can be done by others. This not only frees up our time but also allows us to focus on more important tasks and tasks you do enjoy doing. Sometimes this is delegating to other that live in your home, my kiddos were helping at a very young age. Or sometimes it is hiring someone. Whether it’s the neighbor girls to watch the kids for one hour daily so you can exercise, or work on your home based business. Or maybe it is someone to clean your home, do laundry, cook healthy meals or run your errands. There are people looking for these types of jobs.

Also look for ways to automate repetitive tasks, such as using software or tools that can perform tasks automatically for your home based business Project Broadcast and Cinchshare are a couple of my favorites. For home, this can be your auto ship orders, things that you need and use all the time, just coming straight to your door. Generally there are savings involved with these orders. Other options are Misfit Market, Instacart, Meal Subscriptions and Curbside Pickup.

Additionally, it’s essential to avoid multitasking and instead focus on one task at a time, which can increase productivity and reduce errors.

Lastly, taking breaks for self-care, getting enough sleep and exercising regularly can help us stay energized and focused. Ultimately saving us time and improving our overall well-being.


If our desired outcome that we want requires time, then we need to decide where we can get that time. We can either, cut out something we are currently doing, buy back some time by delegating or hiring or the tips above. But we will also need to change behaviors to change outcomes. 

Also be mindful of overwhelm. Many times when we are in a state of overwhelm, we feel that we are so busy. When in reality our mind is just busy sifting through all the things we need to do. Sometimes we can spend most of our time thinking about the things to do. Rather than if we just focused and started knocking out each task to be done. Lots of grace and self-care are needed here and also do one task at a time will help.

Also when you are in a busy season of life make sure to take extra self-care breaks, this will help recharge you and make you more time efficient.

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